Madinah1st Arrival
Benefits of Visiting Madinah before Hajj
Most of our packages offer several strategies benefits & advantages of visiting Madinah 1st before Hajj & landing at Madinah Airport instead of Jeddah Airport:
• At Madinah airport unlike Jeddah Hajj terminal, even special Hajj flights land at regular International terminal instead of a Hajj terminal. This avoids numerous hassles normally encountered at the Hajj terminal of Jeddah Airport due to limited facilities & overwhelming number of Hajis arriving there from around the world.

• At Madinah airport, we arrange private buses for your transfer to the hotel. However, at Hajj terminal Jeddah, group staff, representatives or even directors are not allowed to enter inside Hajj terminal to receive & welcome their group Hujjaj, whereas at Madinah Airport, our dedicated staff is present in the arrival hall in advance to assist & welcome arriving Hajjis of our group. This meet & assist service at Madinah airport results in reduced anxiety & a stress free arrival for our Hajis.
• No stress of performing Umrah immediately after arrival.
• Hassle & stress free travel / flights in normal clothes, No need to wear Ahram.

• Quick & Comfortable 30 Minutes Journey from Madinah Airport directly to your hotel, contrast to Jeddah airport to Makkah hotel which takes a tiring & frustrating 5-7 hours (approx.) in Hajj season in uncomfortable government buses, these Govt. buses first go to different Maktabs in Makkah & Hajis have to wait for long time for their turn to get dropped at hotel.
• Relatively easy & fast immigration at Madinah Airport as compared to Jeddah Hajj terminal.
• Availability of sufficient free time in Madinah before hajj to repent & spirituality prepare for Hajj-e-Mabroor.

Since we visit first the holy city of Madinah Munawara before Hajj in the year’s most expensive hotels season, this offers our Hajis* a unique & priceless opportunity to perform Hajj-e-Qiran, the type of Hajj performed by our Holy Prophet. This type of hajj is considered to have more religious significance because Prophet (PBUH) himself performed this type of Hajj. But 99% of Pakistani Hajis cannot perform Hajj-e-Qiran because of the long duration of their stay in stay in Saudia before the start of Hajj days & they are left with no option but to choose Haj-e-Tamattu.
*Only for Bronze 10-12 Days.