Packages in sync with Ashra-e-Zilhajj
Allah the Almighty has given importance & preference to certain things over others. He exponentially increased the value of Ramadan over other months similarly he increased the value of the last 10 nights of Ramadan over its first twenty nights, specially for Laylat-ul-Qadar, in which worship is far better than worship of over 1000 months. He also increased the importance of Friday over all other week days. Similarly, there are few other days & nights like Shab e Baraat (15th Shabaan night), Aashoorah (10th Muharram), the nights of Eid ul Fitar & Eid ul Azhah, which are divinely super blessed moments. Just like the last ten nights of Ramadan, which are most blessed nights of the whole year, the 1st ten days of ZilHajj are the most blessed days of the whole year as mentioned in several Quranic Ayaat & Ahadith. So while planning your hajj journey & selecting your hajj package, it makes sense to look for a package that ensures your stay in the Holy cities during the blessed days of Ashra-e-Zilhajj. Most of our packages are designed in a way that fully ensures your stay either in Makkah or Medinah during the whole period of Ashra e ZilHajj (1stzilhajj to 10thzilhajj). Since the period from 1st Zilhajj to 8th Zilhajj is the year’s most expensive Hotel season, most hajj group organizers avoid booking 5 star hotels during this time. They either depart from Pakistan on 5/6th zilhajj, wasting precious first 5 days of Ashra-e-zilhajj of their hajis or keep them in a building instead of a hotel to avoid high costs. We strongly recommend to all our group members to depart for hajj maximum by 1st zilhajj since all our packages offer comfortable stay in full 5 star hotels from 1st till 15th Zilhajj. While selecting & Booking a short hajj package, Hujjaj should note that 2 weeks package from 5th till 20th zilhajj would be cheaper than a similar 2 weeks package from 1st till 15th zilhajj as all the Arabs & nationals of GCC countries are more aware of the importance of Ashar-e-Zilhajj.